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Descriptor English:   Ocular Motility Disorders 
Descriptor Spanish:   trastornos de la motilidad ocular 
Descriptor Portuguese:   Transtornos da Motilidade Ocular 
Synonyms English:   Brown's Tendon Sheath Syndrome
Convergence Excess
Deficiency, Smooth Pursuit
Eye Motility Disorders
Parinaud's Syndrome
Paroxysmal Ocular Dyskinesia
Spasm of Conjugate Gaze
Syndrome, Brown's Tendon Sheath
Tendon Sheath Syndrome of Brown
Conjugate Gaze Spasm
Conjugate Gaze Spasms
Convergence Excesses
Convergence Insufficiencies
Deficiencies, Smooth Pursuit
Deviation, Skew
Deviations, Skew
Dyskinesia, Paroxysmal Ocular
Dyskinesias, Paroxysmal Ocular
Excess, Convergence
Eye Motility Disorder
Eye Movement Disorder
Gaze Spasms, Conjugate
Insufficiencies, Convergence
Insufficiency, Convergence
Internuclear Ophthalmoplegias
Ocular Dyskinesia, Paroxysmal
Ocular Dyskinesias, Paroxysmal
Ocular Motility Disorder
Ophthalmoplegia, Internuclear
Ophthalmoplegias, Internuclear
Parinauds Syndrome
Paroxysmal Ocular Dyskinesias
Pursuit Deficiencies, Smooth
Pursuit Deficiency, Smooth
Skew Deviations
Smooth Pursuit Deficiencies
Syndrome, Parinaud
Syndrome, Parinaud's
Ocular Torticollis
Eye Movement Disorders
Brown Tendon Sheath Syndrome
Convergence Insufficiency
Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia
Parinaud Syndrome
Skew Deviation
Smooth Pursuit Deficiency  
Tree Number:   C10.228.758
Definition English:   Disorders that feature impairment of eye movements as a primary manifestation of disease. These conditions may be divided into infranuclear, nuclear, and supranuclear disorders. Diseases of the eye muscles or oculomotor cranial nerves (III, IV, and VI) are considered infranuclear. Nuclear disorders are caused by disease of the oculomotor, trochlear, or abducens nuclei in the BRAIN STEM. Supranuclear disorders are produced by dysfunction of higher order sensory and motor systems that control eye movements, including neural networks in the CEREBRAL CORTEX; BASAL GANGLIA; CEREBELLUM; and BRAIN STEM. Ocular torticollis refers to a head tilt that is caused by an ocular misalignment. Opsoclonus refers to rapid, conjugate oscillations of the eyes in multiple directions, which may occur as a parainfectious or paraneoplastic condition (e.g., OPSOCLONUS-MYOCLONUS SYNDROME). (Adams et al., Principles of Neurology, 6th ed, p240) 
Indexing Annotation English:   GEN: prefer specifics
History Note English:   1990 
Allowable Qualifiers English:  
BL blood CF cerebrospinal fluid
CI chemically induced CL classification
CO complications CN congenital
DI diagnosis DG diagnostic imaging
DH diet therapy DT drug therapy
EC economics EM embryology
EN enzymology EP epidemiology
EH ethnology ET etiology
GE genetics HI history
IM immunology ME metabolism
MI microbiology MO mortality
NU nursing PS parasitology
PA pathology PP physiopathology
PC prevention & control PX psychology
RT radiotherapy RH rehabilitation
SU surgery TH therapy
UR urine VE veterinary
VI virology  
Record Number:   24809 
Unique Identifier:   D015835 

Occurrence in VHL:
