Search on: NPN-2 PROTEIN 
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Descriptor English:   Neuropilin-2 
Descriptor Spanish:   neuropilina-2 
Descriptor Portuguese:   Neuropilina-2 
Synonyms English:   NRP2 Protein
Npn-2 Protein
Neuropilin 2
Npn 2 Protein  
Tree Number:   D12.776.543.750.590.750
Definition English:   Transmembrane receptor for CLASS 3 SEMAPHORINS and several vascular endothelial growth factor isoforms. Neuropilin-2 functions either as a homodimer or as a heterodimer with NEUROPILIN-1. The binding affinity of neuropilin-2 varies for different class 3 semaphorin isoforms and is dependent on the composition of the dimer. The protein also forms receptor complexes with plexins and with VEGF RECEPTORS, which alters the binding characteristics of the receptor. 
History Note English:   2003; for NPN-2 PROTEIN use NEUROPILIN-1 1998-2002 
Allowable Qualifiers English:  
AD administration & dosage AG agonists
AN analysis AI antagonists & inhibitors
BI biosynthesis BL blood
CH chemistry CL classification
DF deficiency DE drug effects
GE genetics HI history
IM immunology IP isolation & purification
ME metabolism PH physiology
RE radiation effects TU therapeutic use
UL ultrastructure  
Record Number:   37477 
Unique Identifier:   D039943 

Occurrence in VHL:
