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Descriptor English:   Malate Synthase 
Descriptor Spanish:   malato sintasa 
Descriptor Portuguese:   Malato Sintase 
Synonyms English:   Condensing Enzyme, Malate
Enzyme, Malate Condensing
Synthase, Malate
Synthetase, Malate
Transacetylase, Glyoxylate
Glyoxylate Transacetylase
Malate Condensing Enzyme
Malate Synthetase  
Tree Number:   D08.811.913.050.618
Definition English:   An important enzyme in the glyoxylic acid cycle which reversibly catalyzes the synthesis of L-malate from acetyl-CoA and glyoxylate. This enzyme was formerly listed as EC 
History Note English:   91(77); was see under KETOACID-LYASES 1977-90 
Allowable Qualifiers English:  
AD administration & dosage AE adverse effects
AN analysis AI antagonists & inhibitors
BI biosynthesis BL blood
CF cerebrospinal fluid CS chemical synthesis
CH chemistry CL classification
DF deficiency DE drug effects
EC economics GE genetics
HI history IM immunology
IP isolation & purification ME metabolism
PK pharmacokinetics PD pharmacology
PH physiology PO poisoning
RE radiation effects SE secretion
ST standards SD supply & distribution
TU therapeutic use TO toxicity
UL ultrastructure UR urine
Record Number:   8467 
Unique Identifier:   D008292 

Occurrence in VHL:
