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Descriptor English:   Cellular Reprogramming Techniques 
Descriptor Spanish:   técnicas de reprogramación celular 
Descriptor Portuguese:   Técnicas de Reprogramação Celular 
Synonyms English:   Cell Programming Techniques
Cell Reprogramming Techniques
Direct Cell Reprogramming Techniques
Directed Differentiation Techniques
Cell Programming Technique
Cell Reprogramming Technique
Cellular Reprogramming Technique
Differentiation Technique, Directed
Differentiation Techniques, Directed
Directed Differentiation Technique
Programming Technique, Cell
Programming Techniques, Cell
Reprogramming Technique, Cell
Reprogramming Technique, Cellular
Reprogramming Techniques, Cell
Reprogramming Techniques, Cellular
Technique, Cell Programming
Technique, Cell Reprogramming
Technique, Cellular Reprogramming
Technique, Directed Differentiation
Techniques, Cell Programming
Techniques, Cell Reprogramming
Techniques, Cellular Reprogramming
Techniques, Directed Differentiation  
Tree Number:   E05.200.500.380
Definition English:   Procedures used for the induction of CELLULAR REPROGRAMMING to change the terminal phenotype of a cell, such as the generation of INDUCED PLURIPOTENT STEM CELLS from differentiated adult cells by the forced expression of specific genes. 
See Related English:   Cellular Reprogramming
History Note English:   2016 
Allowable Qualifiers English:  
CL classification EC economics
ES ethics HI history
IS instrumentation MT methods
ST standards SN statistics & numerical data
TD trends UT utilization
VE veterinary  
Record Number:   56053 
Unique Identifier:   D000067470 

Occurrence in VHL:
