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 1 / 1 DeCS     
Topical Qualifier English:   /microbiology 
Topical Qualifier Spanish:   /microbiología 
Topical Qualifier Portuguese:   /microbiologia 
Synonyms English:   /bacteria
Definition English:   Used with organs, animals, and higher plants and with diseases for microbiologic studies. For parasites, "parasitology" is used; for viruses, "virology" is used. 
Indexing Annotation English:   subhead only; see also /parasitology & /virology; for ability of organisms to cause disease use /pathogenicity; see MeSH scope note in Introduction; indexing policy: Manual 19.8.46; DF: /microbiol or /MI
Abbreviation: MI 
History Note English:   67; used with Category A & C 1967-74; A, B1-2, B6, C & F3 1975-86; A, B1-2, B6, C, F3 & INFANT, NEWBORN+; A, B1-2, B6, C & F3 1990 forward 
Record Number:   22046 
Unique Identifier:   Q000382 

Occurrence in VHL:
