Search on: CYTOCHROME P450 MP-4 
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Descriptor English:   Cytochrome P-450 CYP2C9 
Descriptor Spanish:   citocromo P-450 CYP2C9 
Descriptor Portuguese:   Citocromo P-450 CYP2C9 
Synonyms English:   CYP2C9
Cytochrome P450 MP-4
Cytochrome P450 MP-8
Cytochrome P450 PB-1
CYP2C9, Cytochrome P-450
Cytochrome P 450 CYP2C9
Cytochrome P450 MP 4
Cytochrome P450 MP 8
Cytochrome P450 PB 1
MP-4, Cytochrome P450
MP-8, Cytochrome P450
P-450 CYP2C9, Cytochrome
P450 MP-4, Cytochrome
P450 MP-8, Cytochrome
P450 PB-1, Cytochrome
PB-1, Cytochrome P450  
Tree Number:   D08.244.453.491.500.500
Definition English:   A cytochrome P-450 subtype that has specificity for acidic XENOBIOTICS. It oxidizes a broad range of important clinical drugs that fall under the categories of NONSTEROIDAL ANTI-INFLAMMATORY AGENTS; HYPOGLYCEMIC AGENTS; ANTCOAGULANTS; and DIURETICS. 
Entry Combination - descr/qualif English:   Cytochrome P-450 CYP2C9/antagonists & inhibitors use Cytochrome P-450 CYP2C9 Inhibitors
History Note English:   2015 
Allowable Qualifiers English:  
AD administration & dosage AE adverse effects
AN analysis BI biosynthesis
BL blood CF cerebrospinal fluid
CS chemical synthesis CH chemistry
CL classification DF deficiency
DE drug effects EC economics
GE genetics HI history
IM immunology IP isolation & purification
ME metabolism PK pharmacokinetics
PD pharmacology PH physiology
PO poisoning RE radiation effects
SE secretion ST standards
SD supply & distribution TU therapeutic use
TO toxicity UL ultrastructure
UR urine  
Record Number:   55610 
Unique Identifier:   D065729 

Occurrence in VHL:
